Are you participating in the Twitter chat #JobHuntChat? It will take an hour out of your day, and you will get to:
Help others
Learn something new
Meet new people
These all sound great, right? I have been participating for a while, and I’ve very recently tried my hand at moderating and lived to tell the tale. It took a minute to get used to which handle I was using. I was among friends, and it wasn’t life or death, so it all worked out. It wasn’t about me anyway – I was there to facilitate the conversation.
The #JobHuntChat met this evening at 9pm EST (8pm CT/7pm MT/6pm PT), and it meets every Monday at that time. The format is similar to other Twitter chats: Q1, Q2, Q3, etc. There are #jobseekers, #jobhelpers, and #HRPros ready and willing to help in any way they can.
It is guaranteed to be a good time, and I hope to see you there!